
Do you want to learn how to make fish bait?

If so, then you have come to the right place. Here you will find out how to make fish bait if you want to target freshwater striped bass or even saltwater fish. Take a look below to find out more.


How to Make Fish Bait

How to Choose the Right Bait

Before you delve into how to make your own fishing bait, you need to look at the type of fish that you intend to catch. Catching trout for example is very different to catching fish in saltwater.

When creating your fishing bait, you need to think about the environment that the fish are in, and the specific species that you intend to target as well.

Targeting trout is a good starting point, but do you want to target rainbow trout specifically? Or do you want to catch a large trout in a fishing lake?

If you can think about the specifics, then this will help you when you are crafting the perfect fishing bait.

Certain species of fish, whether it is carp or catfish, will take dough bait.

Dough baits are usually made out of cornmeal or flour. If you intend to target saltwater fish, then you may want to create your own chum. Chum is used to attract very large species of bait fish, which you can then catch and use as live bait for the fishing expedition, which gives you a lot of options.


How to Make Fish Bait for Freshwater Fishing

Catfish, carp, bluegill and crappie will all love homemade dough. If you are trying to catch carp or catfish, then aim to make your dough baits around the size of a marble.

If you are using your dough to catch panfish then it is wise for you to try and use dough that is around the size of a pea.

Dough baits are very easy to make at home and all you need are a few ingredients. You can take a look below if you want to try and create your own fishing bait, or if you want to experiment with dip bait.

Dough Bait Recipe for Freshwater Fishing

  •       1 Cup of Flour
  •       1 Cup of Cornmeal
  •       1 1/2 Cups of Water

You need to take the dry ingredients and put them in a large mixing bowl. You then need to add some water until it reaches a doughy consistency.

It is possible for you to add chicken livers to the mixture if you want, or you can experiment with fruit baits. A lot of people add raw chicken livers to the bait mixture as it helps them to get a stronger smell when casting the fishing bait.

If you want to catch fish of a certain species, then you can experiment by adding some garlic powder to the dough ball.

Take the dough balls and put them into boiling water. You can then add some molasses to the water if you want to have a richer flavor.

Boil the balls for around 3 minutes and then allow them to cool on a tray. Take your homemade fish bait to a pond or a lake, and simply place one on your hook.

When you do this, you will quickly learn how to get the best result out of your bait.


Homemade Saltwater Chum to Help you Catch Fish

If you want to make your own fish bait for saltwater fishing, then you should know that chum can make it a lot easier for you to catch baitfish.

Be sure to check the local regulations before you embark on your fishing adventure, and also try and look up surface plug lures too.


Recipe for Saltwater Fishing

  •       1 Can of Sardines in Water or Oil
  •       1 Box of Instant Mash
  •       2 Teaspoons of Fish Oil

If you do follow these fishing tips, then you will soon find that it is easier for you to become an expert Arkansas fisherman.

Why not see if the dough bait method works for you today so that you can catch bigger fish without spending a fortune on bait?

The great thing about using bait is that it gives you the chance to really experiment and you can also find out what works for you and the fish in your local area.

You’d be surprised at how effective making a few simple changes can be, not to mention that you can always play around with the ratio of garlic powder to the dough, so keep that in mind.